Cyndi Sherman

Senior Director of Preschool, Youth, & Family Engagement

Cyndi has been a member of the faculty team at the APJCC Preschool since 1989, and has led the team as the Early Childhood Director since 2003. She is passionate about inclusion in the early childhood setting and is proud of the strides made in this area at the APJCC Preschool.

Annie Hurst

Associate Early Childhood Director

Annie has worked in early childhood education since 2010 and began with the APJCC Preschool in 2013. She grew up at the APJCC, attending summer camps and youth programs beginning at the age of 5, and feels a deep connection with the community, values, and the organization. She takes pride in supporting educator development, parent communication, and emergent curriculum.

Henrietta Garcia

Inclusion Specialist

Henrietta Garcia has worked in the special needs field for 8 years, and has brought her extensive knowledge and philosophy of inclusion to the APJCC Preschool for the last 3 years. She values her close partnership with teachers, children, parents, and specialists in order to help each child reach their full potential.

Rachel Rose

Early Childhood Office Manager

Rachel began as a teacher at the APJCC Preschool in 1993, and has since worked for the organization in a variety of roles. She returned to the preschool as part of the admin team in 2013, and brings her knowledge and love of early childhood along with her behind-the-scenes support and organization that keeps the program running smoothly.

I just wanted to express how wonderful and welcoming that team has been to us, doing their utmost to make us feel like we belong – and that the local community truly cares. It is times like these you feel the special bond among Jews worldwide.


APJCC Preschool promotes Jewish values and traditions, while honoring individuality and welcoming and respecting all faiths.

Throughout the year, opportunities arise to have discussions with children about values.

The common values that come up are:

  • Loving kindness (Chesed)
  • Charity/justice (Tzedakah)
  • Building character (Derech Eretz)
  • Repairing the world/social justice (Tikkun olam)
  • Welcoming guests (Hachnasat orchim)
  • Gratitude (Hoda’ah)
  • Respect (Kavod)
  • Taking care of our bodies – (Sh’mirat ha guf)
  • Community (Kehillah)
  • Respecting differences (Adam yehidi nivrah)
  • Wisdom (Chochmah)

While these are universal humanistic values, we view them through a Jewish lens and link them to age-appropriate Judaic storytelling.

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