Our APJCC Preschool believes that young children learn through hands-on experience and open-ended exploration. Each year, the APJCC Preschool has an art exhibit in the APJCC Art Gallery. Each classroom creates a collaborative work of art that is on display for the community to enjoy. An Art Reception is held at the end of the exhibit with a silent auction, where you can bid on your favorite art piece made by our very own preschoolers.
The Annual Art Gallery continues to be a highly anticipated and adored project.
The art exhibit gives parents, grandparents, and community members the opportunity to look closely at the work of our preschool children. For many, this leads to an understanding of the intentionality involved in group projects as well as the rich learning that takes place for children.
Jewish Silicon Valley
14855 Oka Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 408.358.3636 | info@jvalley.org
Monday-Friday: 6:00am-8:00pm
Saturday & Sunday: 7:00am-3:30pm